1.Officials said the average price of tobacco in the ongoing auction in Karnataka is going to exceed the record price soon.
2.Processor performance on Intel chips , the average price of a transistor -- 1968 , you could buy one transistor for a dollar .
3."The average price point of the toys has come down, but units will be up, so overall dollars should be up, " he said.
4.The average price for a gallon of fuel rose nearly six cents in the past week alone , and is more than 50 cents higher than a year ago .
5.Its profit margins have been shrinking, along with its market share and the average price of its phones.
6.Ok, let me see, based on your demand, the average price per set might be RMB 3180yuan.
7.Lynas said the price represents a 53% premium above the 30-day volume-weighted average price of Lynas shares before the deal was signed.
8.Its profit margins have been shrinking, along with the average price of its phones and its market share.
9.The average price of a used vehicle sold through October reached $18, 570, compared to $17, 968, a year earlier, said Edmunds. com.
10.Ten-thousand does not seem like the average price of thirty stocks.